Marcel Autran Machado, Fabio Makdissi

Ann Surg Oncol

Glissonian Approach is Useful in Robotic Liver Resections

Different from open surgery, the minimally invasive complexity is not based solely on the amount of liver removal but also the location of the tumor resection. Therefore, some segments are more difficult to resect. In this setting, the robotic platform may be useful.
Recently, we described the use of Glissonian approach also for robotic liver resection.15,16 The use of Glissonian approach is useful in patients with previous manipulation of the hepatic hilum and in patients who require anatomical sectionectomy or segmentectomy.
In conclusion, Robotic approach is safe and feasible for liver resections and may be a good indication for complex hepatic procedures and for re-hepatectomy after open or laparoscopic surgery. Glissonian approach is useful for anatomical resection even during robotic liver resection.